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I saw this book tag on Sara @The Bibliophagist’s blog and it looked like fun so I decided to play.

  1. I read everything I could lay my hands on as a child. I did not discriminate, I read every genre.
  2. I still read most genres but not science fiction and I don’t like fantasy either. I started reading more poetry and nonfiction this year when Mo and I started our blog.
  3. I get distracted a few minutes into listening to audio books so I stick to written books.
  4. I have over 100 books which I have bought but haven’t read and I am unable to resist adding more to this haul. I know I need help or deliverance or both…
  5. I’ve been reading mainly books by Nigerian authors and publishers for the past two years. I’m really enjoying this phase.
  6. I read physical books exclusively until 2016 when I started reading e-books. I rarely read physical books now. E-books are just so convenient and of course, it helps that they are cheaper.
  7. After hauling boxes of books during my last house move, I’ll be sticking to e-books. Thank you very much!
  8. Until we started the blog in February this year, I rarely ever re-read anything. I still re-read books only if I have to write a review of the book for the blog. white teddy bear reading book
  9. I don’t like marked books and I don’t mark my books.
  10. I love talking about books but I don’t like attending literary events.
  11. I don’t like book snobs, you find some in literary events. 🙂 People should read what they love reading and stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. I think reading should be a pleasurable experience.
  12. Now that my books are on my phone, I read several times a day but mainly at night before going to bed and first thing in the morning, if I wake up early enough.
  13. Before 2016, I finished nearly every book I started reading no matter how horrendous it was. Since I started buying a lot more books because I changed to e-books, I have had more DNFs because there are so many good books available, it doesn’t make sense to read books I don’t like to the end. Only exception I make now is if we are reviewing the book for the blog.
  14. Most of my family and friends do not read for pleasure so I’m the odd one out. Perhaps I should start a mission to convert everyone to the good side. 🙂
  15. The best gift is to hear people say they read a book I recommended and enjoyed it as much as I did.
  16. My favourite trope used to be second chance romance but it irritates me now. Why don’t people just communicate better?
  17. My favourite genre is contemporary romance. As Mo would say, what’s life without a little bit of romance hey… black tablet computer behind books
  18. I rarely read hyped books. I am yet to read a hyped book which lived up to the hype.
  19. I’d rather be at home reading a book than out socialising.
  20. My pet peeve when I’m reading is seeing a lot of editing errors.
  21. My one book wish would be to buy books for people who love reading but can’t afford to read. I do so already but would love to do it on a bigger scale.
  22. I do not have a favourite book.
  23. I never thought I’d be a book blogger yet here I am blogging about books.
  24. I get bored reading big books. I want to finish a book and move on to the next quickly.
  25. I love reading. Duh!

So that’s 25 bookish facts about me. I won’t tag anyone but if you are reading this, please feel free to join the fun and link back to me so I can read about you too!

Can you relate to any of my bookish facts? Please share in the comments section.

4 responses to “Tag: 25 Bookish Facts About Me”

  1. I also hate book snobs. It’s quite annoying to be around people who think unless you are reading a literary overhyped book, then you can’t actually call yourself a book lover. That’s a load of horse dump. I read almost anything but sci fi. All I’m looking for is a good book that makes me sigh with pleasure after.
    Even if isn’t written by a literary giant 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have something[s] in common 🎶 ☺️


  2. I can’t say that I have a favorite book either. Interesting that you’re so into ebooks! I’m still hung up on having the physical, although I do read ebooks. I feel like audio are okay as long as they aren’t too in depth. We do have some things in common! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I surprised myself too. I went from not reading e-books at all to only reading e-books. Yes, we do! Always nice when someone else identifies with your bookish facts. ☺️

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